Engineering Recruitment
Kim LoCascio
Our searches come with a no-risk 100% satisfaction Guarantee period.
We are that confident we will deliver quality results.
Connect, engage and retain top engineering talent.
Gain access to the very best engineering talent through HireResources. As one of the top suppliers of engineering talent in North America, we bring niche-recruiter expertise and large-enterprise capabilities.
Top Engineers contract, contract-to-hire
or direct hire basis.
With an industry-leading force of over 50 engineering recruiters, we offer an unmatched network of engineering talent. Our specialized engineering recruiters focus on specific skill sets within engineering, meaning they deeply understand the candidate market.
Some roles we fill:
Aerospace Engineer
Automation Engineer
AI Algorithm Engineer
Biomedical Engineer
Chemical Engineer
Civil Engineer
Design Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Manufacturing Engineer
Environmental Engineer
Firmware Engineer
Hardware Engineer
Industrial Engineer
Materials Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Optical Engineer
Quality Engineer
Software Engineer
Structural Engineer
Reliability Engineers
Project Engineers
Six Sigma Leaders
And many more ...
What type of Engineer do you need?
Fill out this form and I will give you a call shortly. Talk soon! :-)
P.S. Put your availability today in the message too.
Kim LoCascio
Business Development / Client Success Partner
(407) 222-8905
HireResources understands you have high expectations & we do too. The foundation of our business is in offering a solid, expert approach to career management through a personalized, hands-on method.
Our team members are experts in recruiting top professionals, with the experience you desire to grow your business. They are also dedicated professionals that will go the extra mile for their clients.
Our Reach,
Dedicated recruitment professionals building massive relationships with highly qualified and competency tested candidates everyday.
Tap into a highly tenured exclusive recruiting community across the country. Our recruiters are seasoned professionals that have been highly vetted.
You win,
No risk agreements
Ease of doing business
20 years in recruitment
Results are Guaranteed
Competency Tested Candidates,
Every candidate is thoroughly tested and those test results are then provided to you. If you prefer your own test or questions, customization is offered.
We understand that choosing the right person to work for your organization is a very important decision.
Making a bad hire is very costly while hiring the "right" person can excel your goals and complete initiatives on-time and under budget.
Access to top engineering talent
Our expansive network ensures that we always have a pipeline of qualified candidates available for your open roles.
Quality Commitment
We take the time to get to know your company's unique culture and goals, while also conducting thorough screenings and skills assessments.
Whether you need a contractor to start immediately or a long term employee we have you covered.
Our Process
Your account is handled by a dedicated Senior Managing Director. This will provide you a single point of contact, more precision results, and a better understanding of your requirements.
All new job assignments are fully analyzed to optimize our results. We do not just send you paper, we fully understand the role and requirements before entering a search.
Screening, Vetting, Referring:
HireResources professional recruiters will mine through tens of thousands of potential matching candidates and narrow this universe to a few hundred to screen and vet through.
Based on your requirements (Geo targeting, Skills, Culture, etc.) we will interview only the finest candidates for the role. Once this vetting is complete we refer the best matches for the job.
You are in total control of who you interview and hire. HireResources works with you to coordinate the interviewing process with your organization.
We understand you will not compromise and it's our commitment to give you the best candidate choices.
We are here to serve you!
Once you have narrowed down to a finalist and an offer is accepted, the placement is made.
Our goal is to provide you with quality candidates and our transparent agreements come with a candidate term Guarantee to offer additional protection.