Sample HireResources Contingent Agreement
Fee Structure:
Our fee structure is based on the rate below and calculated by the hired candidates’ first-year base compensation. If no referred candidate is hired there is no fee for our services.
Percentage of base salary 30%
HireResources provides the below guarantee. The guarantees below starts on the candidates starting date and applies to the fist candidate only, there is no guarantee on the replacement candidate. The candidate guarantee is valid if payment is Post-Marked within five calendar days of invoiced due date.
Employment Duration and guarantee.
1-30 calendar days Candidate replacement Guarantee
1-30 calendar days 60% Prorated refund
31-60 calendar days 40% Prorated refund
61-90 calendar days 20% Prorated refund
Our fee is due for the sourcing, interviewing, screening, and referring any candidate that starts any position within your company.
Payment terms are net 30 days from the candidates start date.
Under this agreement, Merit is the only factor we are evaluating. HireResources is not engaged to assess, test, or verify any claims made verbally or in writing by our referrals/submittals.
HireResources conforms to all government (EOE) Equal Opportunity Employer regulations and does not discriminate select, or refer candidates on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status or handicap. Qualifications and merit are the only factors considered in HireResources screening and referral process.
Your acceptance of referrals from HireResources constitutes your agreement with our fee and guarantee period. This document supersedes all previous agreements and is binding unless terminated by either party by giving written notice to either party. Any cost incurred for collection of these fees will be paid by (CLIENT NAME) This agreement is governed by laws in Connecticut.
We look forward to a long-lasting professional relationship.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date below.
Tailored Solutions LLC D/B/A HireResources
Signature: __________________________________
Print Name: _____________________________
Title: _____________________________________
Date _________________________
Signature: __________________________________
Print Name: _____________________________
Title: _____________________________________
Date: ___________________________
Simply print, sign, and return, to begin our search process. Thank you again for the confidence you have placed in our recruitment services. HireResources | TailoredSolutions LLC Monroe, CT 06468 (203) 360-2501